Getting Mutual Fund Performance Information is Quick & Easy
Getting detailed, updated mutual fund performance information is quick and easy. Simply go to your favorite browser search engine (i.e. Google, Firefox, Edge, etc.) and type in the search field the following:
Morningstar + (ticker symbol), and click “enter”
You will be taken to the Morningstar mutual fund performance rating report for the specific fund you are interested in. By changing the “ticker symbol” in your search you will be connected to a different Morningstar mutual fund report. Morningstar reports are considered the industry standard for mutual fund performance and historical background information and contain pertinent information about a particular mutual fund you would normally find in the fund’s official published prospectus.
What is a mutual fund “ticker symbol”?
401(k) Easy lists all the ticker symbols for the no-load mutual funds available to you through your 401(k) plan. A mutual fund ticker symbol is an arrangement of four to six letters (i.e. ABDCQX) representing a particular mutual fund. When a mutual fund company (such as Fidelity or Vanguard) issues a new mutual fund portfolio into the public marketplace, it selects an available ticker symbol for its securities to help investors distinguish between the thousands of different mutual funds available today.
All mutual funds’ ticker symbols have an “X” at the end of their symbol. The reason for this is to distinguish between mutual fund tickers and other securities that also have ticker symbols (such as stocks and bonds). Also, money market funds have ticker symbols which end with two Xs (i.e. QQWXSXX)